Travel Notes

 The before, during, and after of our adventures together. Drop in for tips, intel, partner announcements, and updates on the women, and causes we support around the world.

Megan Ryder-Burbidge Megan Ryder-Burbidge

Gender-Washing: An uncomfortable truth in the fight for women’s equality!

As we navigate the slow and arduous journey toward gender equality, the horizon seems perpetually distant (ugh!). The World Economic Forum's projections are sobering, suggesting that true economic empowerment for women might elude us for another century (yuck!), especially considering the setbacks introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has exacerbated gender disparities, with women disproportionately suffering from job losses and being compelled to revert to traditional domestic roles, such as caregiving and overseeing household responsibilities. This trend is alarmingly pronounced in the tourism and hospitality sector, one of the industries most severely crippled by the pandemic.

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Megan Ryder-Burbidge Megan Ryder-Burbidge

Empowering Women: Paving the Way for Inclusive Travel Experiences

As a travel company deeply committed to gender equality and the advancement of women in the travel industry, we find the recent "Paths to Equality: The Twin Indices of Women's Empowerment" report by UN Women both inspiring and affirming of our mission.

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Megan Ryder-Burbidge Megan Ryder-Burbidge

Staycation Series: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Your East Coast gateway to all-things good food & wine. Add Halifax to your must-see Canadian destination list, with its quaint shops, delicious restaurants and good ol’ east coast charm and you’ll be right on your way to becoming a true Haligonian.

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Megan Ryder-Burbidge Megan Ryder-Burbidge

International Women’s Day 2024: Invest in Women - Accelerate Progress

As we come together to commemorate International Women's Day 2024, we reflect on the theme of 'inspiring inclusion' and its profound significance in our ongoing journey towards gender equality. This year, we celebrate not only the achievements of women but also the collective efforts to ensure that every woman, regardless of background, identity, or circumstance, feels valued, empowered, and included.

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Megan Ryder-Burbidge Megan Ryder-Burbidge

International Women’s Day 2023 - A Reflection

Whether you're a woman who's travelled alone or with a group, you have the power to inspire others to travel and to advocate for women's rights. Share your stories and experiences, and encourage other women to explore the world and to use their travel experiences to learn, grow and make a difference.

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Megan Ryder-Burbidge Megan Ryder-Burbidge

Regenerative Travel Matters! Here’s how we are supporting it!

Regenerative travel is a new and exciting concept that is gaining popularity in the travel industry. It is a holistic approach to travel that goes beyond sustainable tourism and aims to actively restore and rejuvenate the destinations we visit. This approach is based on the idea that travel can be used as a tool for positive change, and that by working together, we can create a better future for the places we love. This concept was the foundation for why we started Sororal, with our focus being on equality for women and girls, and using travel as the catalyst to help us make that change.

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Guest User Guest User

Why we are both a feminist travel company and advocates in the fight to end Violence Against Women.

We’re putting our hands up as a feminist travel company because we want to share with the world our deep commitment to promoting equality and inclusivity within the travel industry. And as passionate equality advocates, we’ve chosen to focus our efforts on fighting violence against women and girls - a pervasive issue affecting our sisters in every corner of the world (Canada included).

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Guest User Guest User

Staycation Series: Prince Edward County, Ontario

Looking for the perfect spot to get away with your girlfriends this spring-summer-fall but don’t have the time to venture too far from home? Have a crew split between Ottawa and Toronto and need a fun spot to meet in the middle? Prince Edward County, and its badass women business owners, have your back.

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Megan Ryder-Burbidge Megan Ryder-Burbidge

Staycation Series: Almonte, Ontario

Looking for a quick day trip? Make Almonte a stop on your staycation itinerary, with sweet woman-owned shops and snacks along the way.

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Megan Ryder-Burbidge Megan Ryder-Burbidge

How it Works

How we make a mindful, meaningful impact.

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Your voice matters, and we believe that every woman has a unique story to tell.

Be a part of the SORORAL community and contribute to the collective narrative of women's journeys, amplifying the impact of travel, advocacy, equality and the importance of community building.