Gender-Washing: An uncomfortable truth in the fight for women’s equality!

As we navigate the slow and arduous journey toward gender equality, the horizon seems perpetually distant (ugh!). The World Economic Forum's projections are sobering, suggesting that true economic empowerment for women might elude us for another century (yuck!), especially considering the setbacks introduced by the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has exacerbated gender disparities, with women disproportionately suffering from job losses and being compelled to revert to traditional domestic roles, such as caregiving and overseeing household responsibilities. This trend is alarmingly pronounced in the tourism and hospitality sector, one of the industries most severely crippled by the pandemic.

Prior to the global health crisis, there were signs that the tourism and hospitality sectors were beginning to recognize the imperative of diversity and inclusion. Yet, despite these initial steps, the state of gender equality within these industries remains dire. According to UN Tourism statistics, women make up a significant portion of the workforce in tourism, yet they are often relegated to lower-paid, less secure positions, with limited representation in leadership roles. This stark disparity underscores the necessity for genuine, systemic change, rather than superficial acknowledgments of the issue.

The danger of 'gender-washing' looms large, where entities claim to champion gender equality merely for the sake of positive publicity (ya, we see you!), without implementing substantial or lasting changes. This practice is reminiscent of 'greenwashing', where environmental commitments are flaunted without meaningful action to support them. Without the enforcement of mandatory reporting standards, verified by external entities, it becomes challenging to differentiate genuine efforts from mere corporate posturing.

However, there is a pathway for companies that are sincerely committed to advancing gender equality (enter: Sororal!). By voluntarily disclosing detailed data on their gender equality initiatives, including efforts to address intersectional discrimination or supporting grassroots women’s organizations, companies can demonstrate real accountability. Such transparency should extend to public reporting on strategies for gender mainstreaming throughout all aspects of business operations, including clear, measurable goals and timelines. ** This is a report Sororal is currently working on, btw!

Sororal stands firmly against superficial commitments to gender equality, advocating instead for tangible, actionable change. Our focus extends to ensuring equal pay for equal work, improving working conditions or experiences in the travel industry, safeguarding human and labour rights, supporting work-life balance, and fostering a cultural shift within organizations towards authentic gender equality. Despite the complexities of these challenges, we remain undeterred by the pandemic's impact. We call on individuals and organizations to demand real transparency, accountability, and action from those professing to support women's rights in the tourism sector and beyond.

Sororal is committed to leading this charge, advocating relentlessly for women's rights and holding companies accountable for moving beyond rhetoric to enact genuine gender equality measures. Are you with us?!


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Empowering Women: Paving the Way for Inclusive Travel Experiences