Empowering Women: Paving the Way for Inclusive Travel Experiences

As a travel company deeply committed to gender equality and the advancement of women in the travel industry, the recent report by UN Women, "Paths to Equality: The Twin Indices of Women's Empowerment", is both inspiring and affirming of Sororal’s mission. This report sounds the alarm on things we know to be true but are jarring when seen in print: less than 1% of women and girls live in a country with a high women’s empowerment (according to the UN index) and a small gender gap; globally, on average, women are empowered to achieve only 60% of their full potential. Cue: visceral scream. Yet, the report also serves as a resounding testament to the profound impact of empowering women, not only in their local communities but also within the broader context of global travel.

In an industry that has historically experienced gender disparities and limitations, the findings of this report shed light on the urgent need for change. As advocates for inclusivity, equality and fairness, we firmly believe that every woman deserves equal opportunities, safety, and respect, whether she is a traveller, a hospitality professional, or a local resident in a tourist destination.

The report emphasizes the interconnectedness of various facets of women's empowerment, from economic participation and education to health and well-being. These dimensions align closely with Sororal's core values, as we recognize that a holistic approach is necessary to drive real change. By creating environments where women can thrive, we not only enhance their lives but also contribute to the vitality and vibrancy of the travel destinations we serve.

As we read about the progress made in countries that prioritize women's well-being and empowerment, we are reminded that change is not only possible but also a necessary catalyst for sustainable growth. We applaud the nations that have taken strides towards gender equality, acknowledging that their efforts have positive ripple effects throughout the travel sector. When women have equal access to education and economic opportunities, they become powerful agents of change, fostering innovation, and enriching the cultural fabric of their communities.

At Sororal, we firmly believe that inclusivity is the cornerstone of memorable and mindful travel experiences. We are dedicated to working hand in hand with local communities to create opportunities for women to excel and lead in the travel industry. This commitment includes forging partnerships with women-owned businesses, advocating for training programs for aspiring female travel professionals, and supporting initiatives that prioritize the safety and well-being of female travellers.

Looking ahead, guided by the insights of the "Paths to Equality" report, our resolve is stronger than ever. We envision a world where gender equality is not only a principle but a lived reality, where women's voices are amplified, and their contributions are celebrated. By championing the cause of women's empowerment, we not only enrich the world of travel but also pave the way for a more equitable and harmonious global society.

The UN Women report underscores the undeniable link between gender equality and thriving societies, and we are proud to align Sororal's mission with this vision for the present and future. By encouraging a travel industry that supports and uplifts women, we are not just shaping vacations and experiences; we are shaping a better world for all.


We’re a community of women obsessed with supporting one another, whether through commerce or charitable endeavours. Subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date on upcoming travel itineraries or to learn more about our community partners and the women we support, globally.


Gender-Washing: An uncomfortable truth in the fight for women’s equality!


Staycation Series: Halifax, Nova Scotia