5 Women’s Organizations to Support on Giving Tuesday 2022


Do we all get a little introspective at this time of year? As the year winds down and we look on to the next, it’s pretty common to make personal resolutions about our own growth, development and well-being. It’s also a time to consider the trajectory of the world we live in, and our impact on building a world we want to live in. 

There’s no shortage of amazing causes that will use your support to make the world a better place. As a women’s travel company, we focus our attention on women’s safety and empowerment, guided by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 5. Here's a shortlist of some organizations we love that operate in Sororal destinations. In their own communities, they’re making meaningful moves toward a safer world for women and girls around the world.

What’s Giving Tuesday? 

First things first. Giving Tuesday is a collective day of giving that started in 2012, acting as a sort of call to action and accountability following the big spending that occurs on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Many households set up their budgets and make their charitable giving decisions around this time of year. However, sometimes it feels like we don’t have enough, or like our contribution doesn’t make a difference. Giving Tuesday is a reminder that our collective, coordinated effort does make a difference.

1. Usikimye - Kenya

In their own words:

“Usikimye is an organization working towards ending the prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence. Usikimye means “do not be silent” in Swahili. We exist to ensure that women and girls from Kenya and its environs are safe and free from violence, exploitation, neglect, and abuse and have safe access to high-quality comprehensive responses that are appropriate to their individual needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities, while at the same time, age and gender-sensitive.”

Your contribution:

Donations can support the many initiatives Usikimye offers, including their hotline, safe houses and skills trainings. A portion of Sororal Kenya trip proceeds are allocated to support Usikimye.

2. Canadian Women’s Foundation

In their own words:

“The Canadian Women’s Foundation is a national leader in the movement for gender equality in Canada. Through funding, research, advocacy, and knowledge sharing, we work to achieve systemic change. We support women, girls, and gender-diverse people to move out of violence, out of poverty, and into confidence and leadership. Since 1991, our partners and donors have contributed more than $150 million to fund over 2,500 life-transforming programs throughout the country.”

Donations to the Canadian Women’s Foundation support more than 2500 programs nationwide designed to move women and girls out of poverty and violence, and into confidence and leadership. A portion of Sororal’s Canadian trips proceeds are allocated to support Canadian Women’s Foundation. 

3. Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre - British Columbia, Canada.

In their own words: 

“The Centre assists women with their immediate and crisis needs so they can develop stability and access the resources they need to improve health, family, employment and housing situations. We promote positive change by offering individual long-term support, education, advocacy, peer mentorship and exposure to alternatives.”

Donations to the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre help provide basic necessities to women in their warming centres and shelters, and support programming for women at risk in Vancouver’s East Side. They also accept donations of clothing, toiletries and some household items if you live in the area. 


In their own words: 

CREAW uses bold, innovative and holistic interventions for the realization of women’s rights. Our programs have over the years focused on challenging practices that undermine equity, equality and constitutionalism, promoting women’s participation in decision making and deepening the ideology and philosophy of women’s empowerment. 

Donations to CREAW support their efforts to end Gender Based Violence and other women’s rights issues through education, training and legislative initiatives. 

5. DANNER - Denmark

Danner is an organization working towards ending violence against women and children, and securing equality between men and women both in the private and public sphere. Since 1979, six thousand women have lived in their shelter. 

Donations to Danner help provide shelter and support to women and children living with domestic violence. It also supports services like their hotline and outpatient counselling services.  

Who did we miss? As we embark on more trips, we are growing our partner network to support more women in more countries around the world, and we are always looking for feedback from our community. Drop us a line with your input at hello@sororal.travel to weigh in. Plus, subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about our new partnerships with women-led businesses and social enterprises local to our destinations.


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