Introducing Sororal


How did we get here, and where are we going? 

It’s been years of long days, finding time to build a business amongst the constant juggling act of working and raising kids in some of the most challenging times known to humankind. But, to borrow a phrase from Maya Angelou, “The price is high. The reward is great”.

As we’re poised to embark on our first trips and welcome women into our community, we could not be more proud, grateful or excited to introduce ourselves. Thank you for being here. 

What is Sororal?

Travel company, community hub, social enterprise, philanthropic mission. What isn’t Sororal? 

Founders Linsey and Megan met years ago on Lanark County Interval House’s board of directors, a local organization supporting the survivors of domestic violence. It’s no wonder that their friendship and eventual business partnership sparked from the shared passion to make the world safer and more equitable for women and girls.  

“I knew when I first met Linsey that we would be friends. Like a lot of busy working moms, our relationship was a slow build, and featured a lot of voice notes, recorded and listened to whenever we had a spare moment. As sort of an offhand comment, I mentioned my vision to merge travel and women’s equality someday. Later, Linsey brought it back up and said ‘hey, I think you’re on to something, and I’d love to be a part of it.’” - Megan, co-founder.

To put it plainly, Sororal is a travel company for women, for the betterment of womankind. We’re a women-led business that crafts meaningful travel experiences for women, in support of women and girls around the world. 

At every destination, our partners are local women-led businesses and guides. We support their bottom-line, and ensure that our small-group travellers enjoy a truly unique, authentic and empowering travel experience. 

We commit a share of our trip costs and Sororal’s profits to grassroots organizations for women and girls local to our travel destinations. We’re especially interested in organizations promoting their equal access to safety, education and economic security.  

What makes Sororal different?

Our values guide our take on ethical travel. Of course, for those looking to make a positive change, there is no shortage of banners to fly or causes to commit to. We speak our values plainly and transparently, so that our travellers know who we are and where we stand. Their trust in us is not taken lightly. We want to make it easy for women to travel outside their comfort zone, but well within their integrity. We seek to act in a way that is: 

Mindful: Our approach prioritizes consultation and collaboration. We trust the women local to our destinations as the experts in their experience, their history and their vision for their future. We treat our partners, our team and our travellers with respect. All parts of the Sororal sisterhood are valued as contributors, and the channels for feedback at home and abroad remain open. 

Meaningful: We make a lasting positive impact on each other, and on the communities we visit. We offer dignified, predictable and sustained support to our partners. We build community globally through shared experiences and network-building. 

Memorable:  We have fun, we appreciate the finer things in life. We give that “they’ve thought of everything” touch, so that our travellers can truly immerse themselves in their journey. We strive to offer our travellers the enduring feeling of being seen and cared for, with a mental oasis to return to whenever real life is getting a little too real. 

Who is Sororal for? What are the trips like? 

We welcome woman-identifying travellers looking to make a difference with their travel, without compromising on an elevated, authentic travel experience. Though the specifics of our trips vary by destination, our travellers return home restored, inspired and re-invigorated. 

I hope that women who travel with us find the experience to be like a connection-building experience. A great trip, the kind that you’d plan for yourself if you had the time. Yes, you’re vacationing, but we also want to fill your cup. Sure, it’s relaxing to escape from life once in a while, but we want our travellers to come home with the lasting fulfillment that comes from engaging in life and connecting with women around the world.” - Linsey, co-founder. 

Our travellers share a sense of wonder, a desire for lifelong learning, and a passion for exploring. They take joy in connecting with and supporting other women, They understand the value of networks of strong women. Last, and not at all least, we’re here for vibrant women who don’t forget to have some fun. After all, women prioritizing their passions and enjoyment is radical in and of itself. 

What’s next?

We’re busy crafting the Sororal experience; building our network, visiting our partners and ensuring our stays are as comfortable as they are meaningful.  Our flagship trips are set to embark in spring 2023, with details to come as dates approach and numbers are solidified. Follow along with us on our socials and subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to learn when we’re on our way. 


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